Tuesday, May 31, 2005

In Touch

I try to stay in touch with everyone but I also am not very good at it. It is not that my heart is in the wrong place, it's that my actions don't always follow my heart. Or, is it that my heart is reaching out to so many that I let myself fall into the trap of trying to be close to everybody?
My immediate family consumes a lot of my time and then comes close family and friends. I can't just let "not so close" family disappear so they too tug at my heart strings and time. If I were a writer, then it might be less of a challenge to say what I feel and not spend a lot of time doing it, but I am not. I struggle with communication skills but will not give up trying to let each of my recipients know me. So if you are one that I haven't written to lately, take heart, I am thinking of you and will soon be writing directly to you. Got to go give to M.O.P.S. and to the school and the church but I'll be back

Saturday, May 21, 2005


I had an interesting discussion today. We were speaking of the Holy Spirit and how as Christians it may mean something different to each of us. I heard the term "Spirit filled Church" and asked what that meant. If we are really Christians does not the Holy Spirit work in us? If I don't speak in tongues am I not filled with the Holy Spirit? If I preach the word of God in English to a Spanish Church, with the help of an interrupter, am I speaking in tongues? If I go out and feed the hungry or cleans the wounds of the injured am I not doing as Christ would have me do? If I am, am I not following what the Holy Spirit has put in my heart? So, all you very wise brothers and sisters, Explain to me what is a Spirit filled Church?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Counting the cost

I was visiting with my friend Brian yesterday. We were remembering yesteryear and what sports we have done. Which of those sports we choose to do today (or could)and why. I would not think of playing football with all the tears in my knees. Baseball is now out because running is out. Ok, so running is out too, as is basketball and tennis. You ever wonder why so many older people choose golf? All of this is leading up to what Brian said about why he doesn't play all those young guy sports. You see Brian was a surgeon up until just a few years ago. Specifically he was an eye surgeon. Brian got a condition that slowly took his sight in one eye and that took most of his depth perception. Not only can't he play baseball but surgery is also out.
I have been on short term mission trips with Brian where we do vision clinics. Brian's gifts are many. I have seen him remove a steel sliver from a mans eyeball saving the man from sure blindness. I have witnessed the long lines of people waiting in the blazing sun just to be seen by the Christian doctor. Brian has lost most of his sight in one eye but he has not lost the sight of what God has asked him to do. Brian gives of himself because he knows the gift he was given. Brian loves the Lord and that makes me thankful that God put him in my life.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Plasma donation

Tomorrow I go to our local blood bank to make my monthly donation of plasma. The whole experience takes about an hour and twenty minutes, which gives me time to read and chat with the staff. I figure Christ gave His blood for me so why not symbolically give mine for others. I realize that Jesus gave me eternal life but the act of giving, for me, is a gift that I receive. Giving blood, time, money, heart - what ever it is, gives the giver more than what they give.
It's funny, since I began giving plasma, I have not had a cold or had the flu or really had any sickness at all. People all around me have fallen ill. I think instead of going to get your annual flu shot maybe a few donations might do just as well!
I feel bad about not keeping my blog up to date but I feel guilty sitting here at this desk when I have so many other things calling my name. I have laundry to do, a bus load of kids to drive, a church building project to work on, my short term mission work to get busy with, my house to fix(two toilets that need minor repair, some light bulbs need replacing and a microwave that doesn't wave). Now that I have convinced myself to go do those things I will say chau.