One Year Later!
Today is the one year anniversary of my wife's death. It is with mixed emotions that I write today. Donna was special to a lot of people. The position at work was never filled - it couldn't be! Her job was spread out amongst many. She touch many people through out the world. Her hands and heart touch so many, but most of all, she touched me. She lifted me up when I was down, she sat me down when I was high on myself. She could walk hand in hand and not have to talk. She could hear before words were spoken.
I want to share her last words and the last moments of her life because this too was special. I want not to offend anybody by sharing this but it is on my heart to do so:
It was the middle of the night, 2 AM or so and she called my name. I rushed over to her hospital bed,(now set up in our living room)and took her hand. She asked me to help her set up because her back was sore. I sat her up and rubbed her back a bit and she looked at me saying "OK, that's better". She then laid her head on my shoulder and said "thank you, I'm ready to lay back down." I laid her back down and we held hands for a few minutes, she just talking about stuff that needed to be done, when suddenly she got a big smile on her face. She started saying " I've got to go, sorry I have to leave now. Good bye, bye - bye, I've got to go" she then put her other hand over her heart and said "amen,amen." The last words spoken bye my loving wife.
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