Friday, June 17, 2005


I said that's your opinion and he said that's the truth! This man loves to hear himself talk and everything he says is the truth and if you don't agree then you are stupid or don't know when you are told the truth. To him religion is a crutch and all wars have come from religions trying to force their right onto someone else. Man has evolved and just because we don't know the brain begin to reason and think actual thoughts doesn't prove we didn't. Every ethnic group besides his is less than him because they don't know how to become a better group. If you are overweight your are to stupid to stop eating, if you are sick it is because you don't take his kind of vitamins (his are the best you know!)He knows the best cafe in all of America and the best mechanic and the best shoes and the best Styrofoam supplier and the best....
Ok, I'm done venting, he has been here three days and he has four more to go. I think I can make it, but he's talking about staying longer to help me fix the things I am to stupid to figure out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Seattle weather has been described as wet. Those of us who have lived in the Puget Sound area know that there are different kinds of wet. We can have rain or we can have showers or drizzle or light rain or a chance of any of the preceding or even "Oregon mist" (mist Oregon and hit Washington). Now we also have Cloudy days, partly cloudy, low clouds, fog, cloudy with sun breaks, high clouds, mostly cloudy and even a few mostly sunny days. Some say that you can tell the weather by the mountain (Mt. Rainier). They say that if you can't see the mountain it's going to rain and if you can see it then it's only a chance of rain. I might be sounding a little dreary and maybe even all wet but here is a little secret. Some of the bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle (sounds like a song huh?). We have some of the best mountains with magnificent forests, fantastic stream and rivers, lakes like you would not believe and Puget Sound. We even have some pretty good coffee. Most of all we have some pretty nice people who come from here - Mary that includes you! Hi to all that read here, can you tell I love my home town?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Talk within God

I speak to God often and I really try to listen to what He says, the problem is when He decides to be silent (or I am hard of hearing). It seems the same writing to my blog, I know what I ask but I don't often know what is said. I asked God if I should continue working on a project I have been pouring a lot of time into or should I go out and try to make a dollar or two. God has answered I think by letting me suffer through some inflamed tendons in the arch of my foot. Plantar fascitiis is painful to say the least but to try and do construction ground work, well it is like walking on a 16 penny nail in my heal. So is God saying slow down? Look for other work? Or is it all unrelated and I'm just getting old? I wonder, does God sit and laugh when we just don't get it? Do you think He gets tickled watching us like little kids trying to figure things out? As I consult with my God tonight I think I will ask for Him to make my answer so plain that even I can figure it out. Do you think that just maybe He might be looking over your shoulder right now reading what you are reading and maybe answering you in a way that may seem strange? I have a feeling He is speaking to me just now so I will leave you to go and listen to Him