So here I am
So here I am at a key board that is as comfortable and familiar as a lunar rover. I am not a writer but I write because I figure maybe someday I might surprise myself and say something worthwhile. I have many projects going on and could get lost in any one of them. I read a quote from another blog that got me to make a conscious effort to change. The quote I refer to came from Marjorie Holmes (How Can I Find God?, 1975). How many times have I said I would pray for someone and only mentioned them or forgot altogether. It is easier to pray for a close friend or family member but how about the lady on the plane who was going through hard times and asked me to pray for her. How about my missionary friends in East Kenya who are battling Satan every day. There are days when I get so busy that I just don't pray for those who are close. I can blame a busy schedule but then I have to face the truth, what is more important than talking with God?
Go figure, I just stopped to pray for Mary and Patrick and each of the kids. Then for Molly at school and then for Donna at choir and for Gustavo and his family. It's time to go and see what God would say back to me and I can't hear from here at my computer. See ya