Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Will He ?

How do we know if God is calling us to do something specific? More and more I am asked to do something, go somewhere or contribute (time, money or talent) to something. They all seem like good things but I have to ask; is God calling me or are there others that might want to distract me, wear me out or discourage me?
My first step is to go to Him in prayer and just ask. Next I listen to what others (my brothers and sisters in Christ) are saying. I ask myself, is this for Him or for me? Am I approaching this as a humble servant?
I ask these things because I sat in on an interactive class tonight and some of this came up. Some of the answers were; is it consistent with Gods word? Do you have a passion for it? Do you feel like you have a gifting for it? Is it confirmed by Gods people?
Wow, Is God trying to get my attention? I have been struggling with these things for the last week and again just before the class I had another "will you".
So you might ask, will he? And I ask you, will He?


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