Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Anger, what a title! I suppose I first thought of it when a relative was saying at our home and was watching something special on the television. I came home from work and sat down to hear this relative say,(while setting the remote in front of me) you can turn it. Now "they" were sitting watching this show and even though "they" gave up the remote(a sign of control I think),it still put me in the position of being the bad guy or insensitive jerk if I chose to change the channel to the news. I guess my anger(which I don't often express) comes from the manipulative way people get what they want when on the surface it seems they are being nice. Ok, so much for what set me off on this little story. As I stated earlier, I don't express my anger very easily. I tend to stuff a lot of my emotions (yes, I'm a guy), but on the other hand there are those who express themselves way too much. Some people seem to be always angry or hurt or resentful. I have been described as a very easy going person who seldom seems upset. I suppose part of this is true because I don't sweat the small stuff. What does it matter in the long run? There is the basis for my problem. When should we sweat the small stuff and when should we let it go? I struggle with meaningful communications and am striving to rectify this. One of the ways I am trying to do better is by writting in this blog. Sort of venting in writting but not having the guts to actually say it. I do know that I have a lot to say and maybe with the help of some of my friends in blog-land I will tell a story of growing up, going to war, being remarried, having kids and stepkids, of finding Jesus right by my side and not knowing it, of becoming a Servant-of-Christ. So until next time, "Happy trails to you, until we meet again, happy trails to you, keep smiling until until then".


Blogger Violet N. said...

Hi John-the-stepdad! You are a writer indeed, and writing from those impulses that find most of us writers scrambling for pencil and paper, or the keyboard - that need to untangle the complexities of our lives.

I love this line from a lower-down post: "As I sat trying to figure out who I really am I turned into a mountain" (- this is poem material, you know - smile). Yes, I remember those pictures of Mt. St. Helen's every night on the news a few weeks back. I'll bet you find your blog an ideal way to let off steam and good, too, for building little cairns, noting God's goodness, which you're also doing very well. Good for you!

I'll continue to join you on your journey.

Your almost-neighbor from Surrey, B.C.

4:23 PM

Blogger Mary DeMuth said...

I find it so hard to do this command: "In your anger, do not sin." That seems to say it's OK to be angry but that we can quickly jump into sin from anger's perch. I'm angry too. Often into sin.

4:56 AM


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