Thursday, October 14, 2004

Timming Is Everything

I was recently united with someone special in my life. After about twentyfive years I was promted by God to search out the where-a-bouts of this very special friend. I know that God is working on my heart because when I finally made contact with her my world changed once again. I was pleased to hear that her husband was about to graduate from seminary. I asked if I might come to the graduation and meet her family.
Life is grand! I flew from Washington to Texas and met a fabulous family. Reconnecting with Mary was a blessing, she has not changed much. From being that young, bright girl to being a grownup, brilliant mommy. Mary still has that rare gift of loving beyond the surface. Although only an old friend from the past, I was made to feel like a special guest at Patrick and Mary's home. The children clung like grandkids, showering me with love. Her husband Patrick treated me with more grace than I deserved, a stranger showing up to help celebrate his many years of hard work.
So I say to you, never forget old friends, stay in touch with those you love and always tell them how much you love them.


Blogger Mary DeMuth said...




5:06 AM


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