Monday, October 18, 2004

Mt. St. Helens

As I sat trying to figure out who I really am I turned into a mountain. I am not one who likes conflicts and would rather stuff my feelings than to possibly offend you with words from my emotions. I have been trying to deal with that a lot lately. It was after a trip to Mt. St Helens that I ended up framing a photograph I took of of the mountain letting of a little steam (ok some steam and ash - there has to be a little dirt in every story). This picture reminded me of how when over time a little bit of pressure continuously building up can blow the top right off and damage other things around it also. If given a chance to vent(let off steam) the mountain seems to grow and become more magnificent.Thus I metaphorically framed the solution to my life situation. Better to vent a little than to blow up and do damage to my self and those I love. So, I start my venting here with a warning to one and all. I may say somethings that may seem harsh and unloving but I am just expressing hurt and pressure that has been building up over the years. I still seek good and strive to be Christ like but I am human (with lots of human flaws). I ask ahead of time that you forgive my sometimes harshness in the way I speak, because it is not really an attack on you, it is a release by me. Enough for now, By Gods grace I will grow into a true child of God.


Blogger Mary DeMuth said...

As Violet said, it's OK to let off steam. If we never do, in tiny every day increments, we'll blow our tops!

I, for one, find you gentle and kind. It's hard for me to think you a Mt. St. Helens in the making.

4:58 AM


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