What would He do?
So, What would He do? I ask that question a lot. The only reasonable answer I get is to ask Him. The problem with asking God is that He sometimes answers in ways that confuse me. Does God want me to examine my ways or is He asking me to not look at things with the eyes of this world. Sure, I make mistakes. I sometimes get so caught up in my focus that I let otherwise important issues slide and that brings on more questions as to where is my focus. Being a task oriented person who gets sidetracked with the breeze I struggle to multitask without dropping a thing or two.
Fresh back from South America and with Mexico in the near future I hear Africa calling too. Working on a fairly large building project with our home church (I'm the building chair and free labor) and co-chair with my wife of short term missions, I find it hard to concentrate on sitting in front of a keyboard to hunt and peck my way through blogville. All this is leading up to my big question - because I don't say hi, does that mean I don't see you? If I don't write does that mean I have forgot you? If I cry and you do not hear me do I not cry? I have so much so why do I still seek? I think the answers are in what Christ did on the cross and in His return, He was still seeking to touch us. I hope in seeking I do not lose any but then He is in charge and I don't have any one to go to but Him. For all the rest I will see you at His feet.
Last night while I was not able to sleep, I prayed for you specifically about the building project at church. May the Lord give you peace and rest.
10:17 AM
Thanks Mary, I needed that just now!
12:42 PM
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